Tutorial for MIRI coronagraphy reduction with spaceKLIP

In this notebook we will reduce the MIRI coronagraphy data from the JWST ERS program on Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems, program 1386.

Relation to other tutorials: This notebook is intentionally very similar to the NIRCam data reduction notebook. Subsequent analyses steps will be carried out in the MIRI post-pipeline analyses notebook.

MIRI-specific information: Steps and information specific to MIRI are called out in blue.

Table of Contents:

Setup and imports

import os
import pdb
import sys
import glob

import numpy as np
import astropy.io.fits as fits

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})

import spaceKLIP

Note that currently the import of webbpsf_ext has a side effect of configuring extra verbose logging. We’ll mostly ignore the output log text.

Precursor: Download the data, if you don’t already have it.

If you already have a copy of this data, then you can adjust paths below. For this notebook, we assume you don’t already have the data. So let’s download it here.

We can do this using the (jwst_mast_query)[https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst_mast_query] package. Consult that package’s own documentation for more.

We download all the uncalibrated raw data (uncal.fits), since we will use spaceKLIP to invoke the jwst pipeline with some customized options and extra steps optimized for coronagraphy.

data_root = 'data_miri_hd65426'
# make subdirectories to put these data in

if not os.path.isdir(data_root):

    os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_root, 'uncal'))

    # invoke the download
    !jwst_download.py --propID 1386 -i miri -l 700 --obsnums 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31 --outsubdir data_miri_hd65426/uncal -f uncal

Level 1 reductions

Index files into database for level 1

SpaceKLIP relies on a Database class to track observations, data files, and the relationships between them.

We begin by creating a database, and reading files into it.

For purposes of this tutorial, let’s only reduce one filter’s worth of data.

filt = 'F1550C' # set this to None to disable filter selection when loading data in, and load all filters
input_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'uncal')
output_dir = data_root  # subdirectories will automatically be created within this
# Initialize spaceKLIP database.
database = spaceKLIP.database.create_database(input_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'uncal'),
[spaceKLIP.database:INFO] --> Identified 1 concatenation(s)
[spaceKLIP.database:INFO]   --> Concatenation 1: JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550
------ -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- ------ ------------------ ... -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ----------- ----- ------------------ --------
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN   108.171119832454      nan
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  117.5498733620294      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN 112.74290651329011      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  112.7429014011917      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  112.7999067320299      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  112.7999802705841      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023391380669      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023285827179      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN   109.202333289525      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023330096651      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023318267312      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023286110202      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023329809318      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023276681038      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE0     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.514663275230946 ...   23.968 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 0.110531925    DN  109.2023274453587      nan

The above is a bit verbose and can be hard for a human to parse; let’s ask the database to summarize what it contains:

        STAGE0: 15 files;       2 SCI, 9 REF, 4 BG

Run level 1 reductions

We use spaceKLIP to invoke the level 1 pipeline, with a handful of parameter customizations.

This will run the Detector1 pipeline for all input data, saving the output to a subdirectory named stage1.

This can take a long time to run, so be patient.

[ ]:
                       steps={'saturation': {'n_pix_grow_sat': 1,
                                             'grow_diagonal': False},
                              'refpix': {'odd_even_columns': True,
                                         'odd_even_rows': True,
                                         'nlower': 0,
                                         'nupper': 0,
                                         'nleft': 0,
                                         'nright': 0,
                                         'nrow_off': 0,
                                         'ncol_off': 0},
                              'dark_current': {'skip': True},
                              'jump': {'rejection_threshold': 8.,
                                       'three_group_rejection_threshold': 8.,
                                       'four_group_rejection_threshold': 8.,
                                       'maximum_cores': 'all'},
                              'ramp_fit': {'save_calibrated_ramp': False,
                                           'maximum_cores': 'all'}},
[spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline:INFO] --> Concatenation JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550
[spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline:INFO]   --> Coron1Pipeline: processing jw01386008001_04101_00001_mirimage_uncal.fits

We can now examine the database, and it shows that all the available files for both filters have now been processed to Stage 1.

(The stage 0 files are removed from the database automatically since there is nothing more to do with them, though the files remain on disk of course)

[ ]:

Display the results of the level 1 reductions

[ ]:
                                         restrict_to=filt, save_filename=f'plots_{filt}_stage1.pdf')

Level 2 reductions

Optional: Re-read level 1 outputs into database

This shows how you can start re-reductions at this point, once you have run the previous steps.

[ ]:
database = spaceKLIP.database.create_database(input_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'stage1'),

Run level 2 pipeline

Now we run the stage 2 pipeline. Little customization is needed here.

[ ]:
                           steps={'outlier_detection': {'skip': False}},

And again, we can check the database now contains level 2 reduces versions of all the files:

[ ]:

Display the results of the level 2 reductions

[ ]:
                                         restrict_to=filt, save_filename=f'plots_{filt}_stage2.pdf')

Level 3 reductions: Preparations

Preparations for PSF subtraction:

As is often the case in high contrast imaging, getting good PSF subtractions depends sensitively on preparing the data ahead of time.

Here we take special care about image centering, background subtractions, and bad pixel replacement/interpolation, all prior to the PSF subtraction steps

Optional: Re-read level 2 outputs into database

This shows how you can start re-reductions at this point, once you have run the previous steps.

input_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'stage2')

fitsfiles = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, "*_calints.fits")))

database = spaceKLIP.database.Database(output_dir=output_dir)
------ -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ---------- ------ ------------------ --------
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s   108.049052294396      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1140        1    39.0   144.0 110.917025   DN/s  108.0490988361535      nan
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    41 24.20768 MASK1140        1   219.0   127.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  108.0488926704628      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s  117.4269955899544      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1140        1    39.0   144.0 110.917025   DN/s  117.4269755978781      nan
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    41 24.20768 MASK1140        1   219.0   127.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  117.4269220853449      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1  1.91744 MASK1140        9     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s  109.1832889728346      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1  1.91744 MASK1140        9    39.0   144.0 110.917025   DN/s  109.1833066151796      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    41 24.20768 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  112.7113047174194      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    41 24.20768 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  112.7113003380876      nan
REF_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr 112.73541604689851      nan
REF_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr   112.735371433705      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   219.0   127.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832514401212      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   209.0   127.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832570499713      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   209.0   137.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832391535789      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   219.0   137.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832350829645      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   229.0   137.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832431128908      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   229.0   127.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832296537088      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   229.0   117.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832438856465      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   219.0   117.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832340796354      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    10 12.46336 MASK1140        9   209.0   117.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.1832322363123      nan
------ -------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ---------- ------ ------------------ --------
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1  1.91744 MASK1550        9     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s   109.202475397483      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1  1.91744 MASK1550        9   122.0   135.0 110.917025   DN/s  109.2024586779032      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s  108.1710312947851      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1550        1   122.0   135.0 110.917025   DN/s  108.1712551227536      nan
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    60    59.92 MASK1550        1   226.0   156.0 110.917025 MJy/sr   108.171119832454      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025   DN/s  117.5499279447258      nan
SCI_TA MIR_TACQ   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE    FND            13.0             10.0  NONE      NONE     1 10.54592 MASK1550        1   122.0   135.0 110.917025   DN/s  117.5500121617905      nan
   SCI MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    60    59.92 MASK1550        1   226.0   156.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  117.5498733620294      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    60    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr 112.74290651329011      nan
SCI_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    60    59.92 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  112.7429014011917      nan
REF_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  112.7999067320299      nan
REF_BG MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST HIP-65426-BACKGROUND     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        1     0.0     0.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  112.7999802705841      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   226.0   156.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023391380669      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   216.0   156.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023285827179      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   216.0   166.0 110.917025 MJy/sr   109.202333289525      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   226.0   166.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023330096651      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   236.0   166.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023318267312      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   236.0   156.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023286110202      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   236.0   146.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023329809318      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   226.0   146.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023276681038      nan
   REF MIR_4QPM   STAGE2     JWST            HIP-68245     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550    19   23.968 MASK1550        9   216.0   146.0 110.917025 MJy/sr  109.2023274453587      nan

MIRI-specific information: The following steps to update the coronagraph mask location is just required for MIRI right now.

Special additional step needed for re-reductions of early JWST data

Here we have to pause for an awkward technical complication, to work around some limitations of the current system.

Both the on-board operations scripts and the pipeline rely on information about coronagraph mask center locations recorded in the Science Instrument Aperture File (SIAF). Those values have changed over time, as knowledge improved.

The ERS observations in July-August 2022 used the SIAF values at that time. In particular the operations scripts on board used those values for where the Target Acquisition steps should place the target.

However the pipeline code running now will by default retrieve the current calibrated values, which would not be correct for where the star was located in these data. A (pipeline ticket)[https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst/issues/7597] has been filed to request improved handling for this.

Pending some future improved system for this, for now we must manually adjust the database metadata to use the old centering information, from the time of the ERS observations

# Adjust CRPIX and YOFFSET values to the coron mask reference locations used in the onboard scripts for these data
crpix1 = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 119.5,
          'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 119.5}
crpix2 = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 112.5,
          'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 113.0}
xoffset = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 219.,
           'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 226.}
yoffset = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 127.,
           'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 156.}
for key in database.obs.keys():
    for j in range(len(database.obs[key])):
        database.obs[key]['CRPIX1'][j] = crpix1[key]
        database.obs[key]['CRPIX2'][j] = crpix2[key]
        if 'BG' not in database.obs[key]['TYPE'][j]:
            database.obs[key]['XOFFSET'][j] -= xoffset[key]
            database.obs[key]['YOFFSET'][j] -= yoffset[key]

End of special additional step needed for re-reductions of early JWST data

Extra image processing to improve coronagraphic reductions

# Initialize spaceKLIP image manipulation tools class.
imageTools = spaceKLIP.imagetools.ImageTools(database=database)

# Remove first frame due to reset switch charge delay. Only required for
                         types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'],

MIRI-specific information: The bad pixel flagging for MIRI has a lot of manual adjustments as described below.

For MIRI, the JWST pipeline does not sufficiently flag bad pixels within the coronagraphic subarrays. The automatic spaceKLIP routines are also not working great yet for MIRI, because they were optimized for NIRCam.

For the ERS reduction, team members had to look at the reduced background frames and identify these bad pixels by eye. This resulted in the following list of manually-detected and flagged outlier pixels.

They should remain the same for each subarray, so the following lists can be used as reasonable starting points for other datasets (but may require some fine tuning, as the population of anomalous pixels in the MIRI detector is known to vary over time)

# Identify and fix bad pixels using custom spaceKLIP routines. Multiple
# routines can be combined in a custom order by joining them with + signs.
# - bpclean: use sigma clipping to identify additional bad pixels.
# - custom:  use a custom bad pixel map.
# - timemed: replace pixels which are only bad in some frames with their
#            median value from the good frames.
# - dqmed:   replace bad pixels with the median of the surrounding good
#            pixels.
# - medfilt: replace bad pixels with an image plane median filter.

# Here we use a custom bad pixel mask, with a lot of values that were determined (how?)
# during the ERS reductions

custom_kwargs = {}
bpmap = np.zeros((224, 288))
bpmap[ 28, 171] = 1
bpmap[ 29, 171] = 1
bpmap[ 52, 184] = 1
bpmap[ 70,  94] = 1
bpmap[ 75, 150] = 1
bpmap[ 76, 148] = 1
bpmap[ 79, 149] = 1
bpmap[ 83, 156] = 1
bpmap[ 84, 156] = 1
bpmap[ 86,  50] = 1
bpmap[ 87, 134] = 1
bpmap[ 87, 140] = 1
bpmap[ 89, 141] = 1
bpmap[ 93, 142] = 1
bpmap[ 95, 116] = 1
bpmap[ 98, 172] = 1
bpmap[102,  38] = 1
bpmap[102,  86] = 1
bpmap[103,  38] = 1
bpmap[106,  52] = 1
bpmap[106, 114] = 1
bpmap[109,  88] = 1
bpmap[110, 136] = 1
bpmap[110, 147] = 1
bpmap[111, 125] = 1
bpmap[111, 158] = 1
bpmap[112, 136] = 1
bpmap[114,  84] = 1
bpmap[116, 116] = 1
bpmap[118,  30] = 1
bpmap[125, 156] = 1
bpmap[129, 163] = 1
bpmap[137, 128] = 1
bpmap[138, 102] = 1
bpmap[144, 120] = 1
bpmap[154, 120] = 1
bpmap[154, 157] = 1
bpmap[155, 171] = 1
bpmap[161,  98] = 1
bpmap[163, 144] = 1
bpmap[184, 122] = 1
bpmap[192, 126] = 1
bpmap[192, 176] = 1
bpmap[196, 172] = 1
custom_kwargs['JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140'] = bpmap.copy()

bpmap = np.zeros((224, 288))
bpmap[ 88, 166] = 1
bpmap[101, 160] = 1
bpmap[105, 179] = 1
bpmap[107, 132] = 1
bpmap[110, 172] = 1
bpmap[111,  66] = 1
bpmap[112, 136] = 1
bpmap[115, 140] = 1
bpmap[115, 199] = 1
bpmap[118, 184] = 1
bpmap[130, 176] = 1
bpmap[131,  74] = 1
bpmap[136, 122] = 1
bpmap[157,  64] = 1
bpmap[162,  68] = 1
bpmap[163, 164] = 1
custom_kwargs['JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550'] = bpmap.copy()
                          bpclean_kwargs={'sigclip': 5,
                                          'shift_x': [-1, 0, 1],
                                          'shift_y': [-1, 0, 1]},
                          dqmed_kwargs={'shift_x': [-1, 0, 1],
                                        'shift_y': [-1, 0, 1]},
                          medfilt_kwargs={'size': 4},

MIRI background subtraction

# Perform background subtraction to remove MIRI thermal background and glowstick.
# This step is only required for MIRI.

[ ]:
                                         restrict_to='F1140C', save_filename='bgsub/plots_f1140c_bgsub.pdf')

Finish pixel cleanup

# Replace all nans.
                            types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'],
# Pad all frames.
                      types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'],

Display the cleaned datasets after all of the above

                                         restrict_to='F1140C', save_filename='plots_f1140c_stage2_cleaned.pdf')

Level 3 reductions: KLIP

PSF Subtraction: option using pyKLIP

SpaceKLIP supports multiple algorithms for PSF subtraction, including pyKLIP (recommended) as well as the jwst pipeline Coron3Pipeline. Here we use a pyKLIP subtraction.

# Run pyKLIP pipeline. Additional parameters for klip_dataset function can
# be passed using kwargs parameter.
                       kwargs={'mode': ['ADI', 'RDI', 'ADI+RDI'],
                               'annuli': [1],
                               'subsections': [1],
                               'numbasis': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 50, 100],
                               'algo': 'klip',
                               'save_rolls': True},

Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.132e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 80, 1, 544, 608)
Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.132e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 80, 1, 544, 608)
Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.132e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 80, 1, 544, 608)
Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.552e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 118, 1, 544, 608)
Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.552e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 118, 1, 544, 608)
Begin align and scale images for each wavelength
Wavelength 1.552e-05 with index 0 has finished align and scale. Queuing for KLIP
Total number of tasks for KLIP processing is 1
Closing threadpool
Derotating Images...
Writing Images to directory /Users/mperrin/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/notebooks/data_miri_hd65426/klipsub
wavelength collapsing reduced data of shape (b, N, wv, y, x):(13, 118, 1, 544, 608)
------ -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ------------------------------ ------ --------
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025     ADI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025     RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025 ADI+RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
------ -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ------------------------------ ------ --------
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025     ADI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025     RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025 ADI+RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
        STAGE2: 21 files;       2 SCI, 9 REF, 6 TA, 4 BG
        STAGE3: 3 files;        3 PYKLIP
        STAGE2: 21 files;       2 SCI, 9 REF, 6 TA, 4 BG
        STAGE3: 3 files;        3 PYKLIP

Optional: Re-read level 3 outputs into database

This shows how you can start re-analyses at this point, once you have run the previous steps.

input_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'klipsub')

fitsfiles = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, "*KLmodes-all.fits")))

database = spaceKLIP.database.Database(output_dir=output_dir)
------ -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ------------------------------ ------ --------
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025 ADI+RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025     ADI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1140C 11.315651557554 0.60365321991656  NONE 4QPM_1140    80 24.20768 MASK1140 110.917025     RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
------ -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ------ --------------- ---------------- ----- --------- ----- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- ------------------------------ ------ --------
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025 ADI+RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025     ADI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
PYKLIP MIR_4QPM   STAGE3     JWST HIP-65426     MIRI MIRIMAGE F1550C 15.521965212798 0.70380136629677  NONE 4QPM_1550   118    59.92 MASK1550 110.917025     RDI      1        1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50,100 MJy/sr      nan
                                         restrict_to='F1140C', save_filename='plots_f1140c_pyklip.pdf')
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 spaceKLIP.plotting.display_coron_dataset(database, 
      2                                          restrict_to='F1140C', save_filename='plots_f1140c_pyklip.pdf')

File ~/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/spaceKLIP/plotting.py:333, in display_coron_dataset(database, restrict_to, save_filename, stage3)
    330 filenames = redtable[redtable['TYPE'] == typestr]['FITSFILE']
    332 for fn in filenames:
--> 333     display_coron_image(fn)
    334     if save_filename:
    335         pdf.savefig(plt.gcf())

File ~/Dropbox (Personal)/Documents/software/git/spaceKLIP/spaceKLIP/plotting.py:255, in display_coron_image(filename)
    252 ax.set_ylabel("Pixels", fontsize='small')
    253 ax.tick_params(labelsize='small')
--> 255 if cube:
    256     ax.text(0.99, 0.99, f"Showing average of {nints} ints",
    257             style='italic', fontsize=10, color='white',
    258             horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
    260 try:

UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'cube' where it is not associated with a value
[ ]:

from spaceKLIP import database, imagetools, coron1pipeline, coron2pipeline,\ coron3pipeline, pyklippipeline, classpsfsubpipeline, analysistools # ============================================================================= # MAIN # ============================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": # Set input and output directories and get uncal files. # idir = 'uncal/' idir = 'spaceklip/stage2/' # idir = 'spaceklip/klipsub/' odir = 'spaceklip/' # Get FITS files. # fitsfiles = sorted([idir + f for f in os.listdir(idir) if # f.endswith('_uncal.fits')]) fitsfiles = sorted([idir + f for f in os.listdir(idir) if f.endswith('_calints.fits')]) # fitsfiles = sorted([idir + f for f in os.listdir(idir) if # f.endswith('-KLmodes-all.fits') # and 'ADI+RDI' in f]) # Initialize spaceKLIP database. Database = database.Database(output_dir=odir) # Read FITS files. Database.read_jwst_s012_data(datapaths=fitsfiles, bgpaths=None, assoc_using_targname=False) # Database.read_jwst_s3_data(datapaths=fitsfiles) crpix1 = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 119.5, 'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 119.5} crpix2 = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 112.5, 'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 113.0} xoffset = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 219., 'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 226.} yoffset = {'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140': 127., 'JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550': 156.} for key in Database.obs.keys(): for j in range(len(Database.obs[key])): Database.obs[key]['CRPIX1'][j] = crpix1[key] Database.obs[key]['CRPIX2'][j] = crpix2[key] if 'BG' not in Database.obs[key]['TYPE'][j]: Database.obs[key]['XOFFSET'][j] -= xoffset[key] Database.obs[key]['YOFFSET'][j] -= yoffset[key] # Run Coron1Pipeline, Coron2Pipeline, and Coron3Pipeline. Additional step # parameters can be passed using the steps keyword as outlined here: # https://jwst-pipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jwst/user_documentation/running_pipeline_python.html#configuring-a-pipeline-step-in-python # coron1pipeline.run_obs(database=Database, # steps={'saturation': {'n_pix_grow_sat': 1, # 'grow_diagonal': False}, # 'refpix': {'odd_even_columns': True, # 'odd_even_rows': True, # 'nlower': 0, # 'nupper': 0, # 'nleft': 0, # 'nright': 0, # 'nrow_off': 0, # 'ncol_off': 0}, # 'dark_current': {'skip': True}, # 'jump': {'rejection_threshold': 8., # 'three_group_rejection_threshold': 8., # 'four_group_rejection_threshold': 8.}, # 'ramp_fit': {'save_calibrated_ramp': False}}, # subdir='stage1') # coron2pipeline.run_obs(database=Database, # steps={'outlier_detection': {'skip': False}}, # subdir='stage2') # coron3pipeline.run_obs(database=Database, # steps={'klip': {'truncate': 100}}, # subdir='stage3') # Initialize spaceKLIP image manipulation tools class. ImageTools = imagetools.ImageTools(database=Database) # Remove first frame due to reset switch charge delay. Only required for # MIRI. ImageTools.remove_frames(index=[0], types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='removed') # Median-subtract each frame to mitigate uncalibrated bias drifts. Only # required for NIRCam. # ImageTools.subtract_median(types=['SCI', 'SCI_TA', 'SCI_BG', # 'REF', 'REF_TA', 'REF_BG'], # subdir='medsub') # Crop all frames. # ImageTools.crop_frames(npix=1, # types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], # subdir='cropped') # Identify and fix bad pixels using custom spaceKLIP routines. Multiple # routines can be combined in a custom order by joining them with + signs. # - bpclean: use sigma clipping to identify additional bad pixels. # - custom: use a custom bad pixel map. # - timemed: replace pixels which are only bad in some frames with their # median value from the good frames. # - dqmed: replace bad pixels with the median of the surrounding good # pixels. # - medfilt: replace bad pixels with an image plane median filter. custom_kwargs = {} bpmap = np.zeros((224, 288)) bpmap[ 28, 171] = 1 bpmap[ 29, 171] = 1 bpmap[ 52, 184] = 1 bpmap[ 70, 94] = 1 bpmap[ 75, 150] = 1 bpmap[ 76, 148] = 1 bpmap[ 79, 149] = 1 bpmap[ 83, 156] = 1 bpmap[ 84, 156] = 1 bpmap[ 86, 50] = 1 bpmap[ 87, 134] = 1 bpmap[ 87, 140] = 1 bpmap[ 89, 141] = 1 bpmap[ 93, 142] = 1 bpmap[ 95, 116] = 1 bpmap[ 98, 172] = 1 bpmap[102, 38] = 1 bpmap[102, 86] = 1 bpmap[103, 38] = 1 bpmap[106, 52] = 1 bpmap[106, 114] = 1 bpmap[109, 88] = 1 bpmap[110, 136] = 1 bpmap[110, 147] = 1 bpmap[111, 125] = 1 bpmap[111, 158] = 1 bpmap[112, 136] = 1 bpmap[114, 84] = 1 bpmap[116, 116] = 1 bpmap[118, 30] = 1 bpmap[125, 156] = 1 bpmap[129, 163] = 1 bpmap[137, 128] = 1 bpmap[138, 102] = 1 bpmap[144, 120] = 1 bpmap[154, 120] = 1 bpmap[154, 157] = 1 bpmap[155, 171] = 1 bpmap[161, 98] = 1 bpmap[163, 144] = 1 bpmap[184, 122] = 1 bpmap[192, 126] = 1 bpmap[192, 176] = 1 bpmap[196, 172] = 1 custom_kwargs['JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1140C_NONE_4QPM_1140_MASK1140'] = bpmap.copy() bpmap = np.zeros((224, 288)) bpmap[ 88, 166] = 1 bpmap[101, 160] = 1 bpmap[105, 179] = 1 bpmap[107, 132] = 1 bpmap[110, 172] = 1 bpmap[111, 66] = 1 bpmap[112, 136] = 1 bpmap[115, 140] = 1 bpmap[115, 199] = 1 bpmap[118, 184] = 1 bpmap[130, 176] = 1 bpmap[131, 74] = 1 bpmap[136, 122] = 1 bpmap[157, 64] = 1 bpmap[162, 68] = 1 bpmap[163, 164] = 1 custom_kwargs['JWST_MIRI_MIRIMAGE_F1550C_NONE_4QPM_1550_MASK1550'] = bpmap.copy() ImageTools.fix_bad_pixels(method='custom+timemed+dqmed+medfilt', bpclean_kwargs={'sigclip': 5, 'shift_x': [-1, 0, 1], 'shift_y': [-1, 0, 1]}, custom_kwargs=custom_kwargs, timemed_kwargs={}, dqmed_kwargs={'shift_x': [-1, 0, 1], 'shift_y': [-1, 0, 1]}, medfilt_kwargs={'size': 4}, subdir='bpcleaned') # Perform background subtraction to remove MIRI glowstick. Only required # for MIRI. ImageTools.subtract_background(nsplit=9, subdir='bgsub') # Replace all nans. ImageTools.replace_nans(cval=0., types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='nanreplaced') # Blur frames. # ImageTools.blur_frames(fact='auto', # types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], # subdir='blurred') # Recenter frames. Before, update NIRCam coronagraphic mask centers to # on-sky values measured by Jarron. Might not be required for simulated # data! # ImageTools.update_nircam_centers() # ImageTools.recenter_frames(method='fourier', # subpix_first_sci_only=False, # spectral_type='A2V', # kwargs={}, # subdir='recentered') # Use image registration to align all frames in concatenation to first # science frame in that concatenation. # ImageTools.align_frames(method='fourier', # kwargs={}, # subdir='aligned') # Coadd frames. # ImageTools.coadd_frames(nframes=None, # types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], # subdir='coadded') # Pad all frames. ImageTools.pad_frames(npix=160, cval=np.nan, types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='padded') # Run pyKLIP pipeline. Additional parameters for klip_dataset function can # be passed using kwargs parameter. pyklippipeline.run_obs(database=Database, kwargs={'mode': ['ADI', 'RDI', 'ADI+RDI'], 'annuli': [1], 'subsections': [1], 'numbasis': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 50, 100], 'algo': 'klip', 'save_rolls': True}, subdir='klipsub') # Run classical PSF subtraction pipeline. # classpsfsubpipeline.run_obs(database=Database, # kwargs={'combine_dithers': True, # 'save_rolls': True, # 'mask_bright': None}, # subdir='psfsub') # Initialize spaceKLIP analysis tools class. # AnalysisTools = analysistools.AnalysisTools(Database) # Extract companions. # AnalysisTools.extract_companions(companions=[[0.431, -0.717, 1e-4]], # starfile='hip65426_sdf_phoenix_m+modbb_disk_r.txt', # mstar_err=0., # spectral_type='A2V', # klmode='max', # date='auto', # use_fm_psf=True, # fitmethod='mcmc', # fitkernel='diag', # subtract=True, # overwrite=True, # subdir='companions') # Compute raw contrast. # AnalysisTools.raw_contrast(starfile='hip65426_sdf_phoenix_m+modbb_disk_r.txt', # spectral_type='A2V', # companions=[[0.431, -0.717, 8.]], # subdir='rawcon') pdb.set_trace()
[ ]:

[ ]: