Detailed spaceKLIP API

spaceKLIP.analysistools module

class spaceKLIP.analysistools.AnalysisTools(database)[source]

Bases: object

The spaceKLIP astrophysical analysis tools class.

calibrate_contrast(subdir='calcon', rawcon_subdir='rawcon', rawcon_filetype='npy', companions=None, injection_seps='default', injection_pas='default', injection_flux_sigma=20, multi_injection_spacing=None, use_saved=False, thrput_fit_method='median', plot_xlim=(0, 10))[source]

Compute a calibrated contrast curve relative to the host star flux.


subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘calcon’.

rawcon_subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the raw contrast data products have been saved. The default is ‘rawcon’.


Save filetype of the raw contrast files.

companionslist of list of three float, optional

List of companions to be masked before computing the raw contrast. For each companion, there should be a three element list containing [RA offset (arcsec), Dec offset (arcsec), mask radius (lambda/D)]. The default is None.

injection_seps1D-array, optional

List of separations to inject companions at (arcsec).

injection_pas1D-array, optional

List of position angles to inject companions at (degrees).

injection_flux_sigmafloat, optional

The peak flux of all injected companions in units of sigma, relative to the 1sigma contrast at the injected separation.

multi_injection_spacingint, None, optional

Spacing between companions injected in a single image. If companions are too close then it can pollute the recovered flux. Set to ‘None’ to inject only one companion at a time (lambda/D).

use_savedbool, optional

Toggle to use existing saved injected and recovered fluxes instead of repeating the process.

thrput_fit_methodstr, optional

Method to use when fitting/interpolating the measure KLIP throughputs across all of the injection positions. ‘median’ for a median of PAs at with the same separation. ‘log_grow’ for a logistic growth function.



extract_companions(companions, starfile, mstar_err, spectral_type='G2V', klmode='max', date='auto', use_fm_psf=True, highpass=False, fitmethod='mcmc', fitkernel='diag', subtract=True, inject=False, overwrite=True, subdir='companions')[source]

Extract the best fit parameters of a number of companions from each reduction in the spaceKLIP reductions database.


companionslist of list of three float, optional

List of companions to be extracted. For each companion, there should be a three element list containing guesses for [RA offset (arcsec), Dec offset (arcsec), contrast].


Path of VizieR VOTable containing host star photometry or two column TXT file with wavelength (micron) and flux (Jy).

mstar_errfloat or dict of float

Error on the host star magnitude. If float, will use the same value for each filter. If dict of float, the dictionary keys must be the JWST filters in use and a different value can be used for each filter.

spectral_typestr, optional

Host star spectral type for the stellar model SED. The default is ‘G2V’.

klmodeint or ‘max’, optional

KL mode for which the companions shall be extracted. If ‘max’, then the maximum possible KL mode will be used. The default is ‘max’.

datestr, optional

Observation date in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MMM’. Will query for the wavefront measurement closest in time to the given date. If ‘auto’, will grab date from the FITS file header. If None, then the default WebbPSF OPD is used (RevAA). The default is ‘auto’.

use_fm_psfbool, optional

If True, use a FM PSF generated with pyKLIP, otherwise use a more simple integration time-averaged model offset PSF which does not incorporate any KLIP throughput losses. The default is True.

highpassbool or float, optional

If float, will apply a high-pass filter to the FM PSF and KLIP dataset. The default is False.

fitmethod‘mcmc’ or ‘nested’, optional

Sampling algorithm which shall be used. The default is ‘mcmc’.

fitkernelstr, optional

Pyklip.fitpsf.FitPSF covariance kernel which shall be used for the Gaussian process regression. The default is ‘diag’.

subtractbool, optional

If True, subtract each extracted companion from the pyKLIP dataset before fitting the next one in the list. The default is True.

injectbool, optional

Instead of fitting for a companion at the guessed location and contrast, inject one into the data.

overwritebool, optional

If True, compute a new FM PSF and overwrite any existing one, otherwise try to load an existing one and only compute a new one if none exists yet. The default is True.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘companions’.



raw_contrast(starfile, spectral_type='G2V', companions=None, overwrite_crpix=None, subdir='rawcon', output_filetype='npy', plot_xlim=(0, 10))[source]

Compute the raw contrast relative to the provided host star flux.



Path of VizieR VOTable containing host star photometry or two column TXT file with wavelength (micron) and flux (Jy).

spectral_typestr, optional

Host star spectral type for the stellar model SED. The default is ‘G2V’.

companionslist of list of three float, optional

List of companions to be masked before computing the raw contrast. For each companion, there should be a three element list containing [RA offset (arcsec), Dec offset (arcsec), mask radius (lambda/D)]. The default is None.

overwrite_crpixtuple of two float, optional

Overwrite the PSF center with the (CRPIX1, CRPIX2) values provided here (in 1-indexed coordinates). This is required for Coron3 data! The default is None.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘rawcon’.


File type to save the raw contrast information to. Options are ‘ecsv’ or ‘npy’.



spaceKLIP.analysistools.inject_and_recover(raw_dataset, injection_psf, injection_seps, injection_pas, injection_spacing, injection_fluxes, klip_args, retrieve_fwhm, true_companions=None)[source]

Function to inject synthetic PSFs into a pyKLIP dataset, then perform KLIP subtraction, then calculate the flux losses from the KLIP process.


raw_datasetpyKLIP dataset

A pyKLIP dataset which companions will be injected into and KLIP will be performed on.


The PSF of the companion to be injected.


List of separations to inject companions at (pixels).


List of position angles to inject companions at (degrees).

injection_spacingint, None

Spacing between companions injected in a single image. If companions are too close then it can pollute the recovered flux. Set to ‘None’ to inject only one companion at a time (pixels).


Same size as injection_seps, units should correspond to the image units. This is the peak flux of the injection.


Arguments to be passed into the KLIP subtraction process


Full-Width Half-Maximum value to estimate the 2D gaussian fit when retrieving the companion fluxes.

true_companionslist of list of three float, optional

List of real companions to be masked before computing the raw contrast. For each companion, there should be a three element list containing [RA offset (pixels), Dec offset (pixels), mask radius (pixels)]. The default is None.



Array containing the separations of all injected companions across all images.


Array containing the position angles of all injected companions across all images.


Array containing the injected peak fluxes of all injected companions across all images.


Array containing the retrieved peak fluxes of all injected companions across all images.

spaceKLIP.classpsfsubpipeline module

spaceKLIP.classpsfsubpipeline.run_obs(database, kwargs={}, subdir='psfsub')[source]

Run classical PSF subtraction on the input observations database.



SpaceKLIP database on which classical PSF subtraction shall be run.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the classical PSF subtraction method. Available keywords are:

  • combine_dithersbool, optional

    Combine all dither positions into a single reference PSF or subtract each dither position individually? The default is True.

  • save_rollsbool, optional

    Save each processed roll separately? The default is False.

  • mask_brightfloat, optional

    Mask all pixels brighter than this value before minimizing the PSF subtraction residuals.

The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘psfsub’.



spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline module

class spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline.Coron1Pipeline_spaceKLIP(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Detector1Pipeline

The spaceKLIP JWST stage 1 pipeline class.

Apply all calibration steps to raw JWST ramps to produce a 2-D slope product. Custom sub-class of Detector1Pipeline with modifications for coronagraphic data.

Included steps are: group_scale, dq_init, saturation, ipc, superbias, refpix, rscd, firstframe, lastframe, linearity, dark_current, reset, persistence, jump detection, ramp_fit, and gain_scale.

apply_rateint_outliers(rateints_model, ramp_model, **kwargs)[source]

Get pixel outliers in rateint model and apply to ramp model DQ



Rateints model to use for outlier detection


Ramp model to update with outlier flags

Keyword Args


Sigma cut for outlier detection. Default is 10.


Minimum number of integrations required for outlier detection. Default is 10.

class_alias = 'calwebb_coron1'
do_pseudo_refpix(input, **kwargs)[source]

Do a pseudo reference pixel correction

Flag the requested edge rows and columns as reference pixels, run the JWST stage 1 refpix step, and then unflag those “pseudo” reference pixels.



Input JWST datamodel to be processed.

**kwargskeyword arguments

Default JWST stage 1 refpix step keyword arguments.



Output JWST datamodel.

do_refpix(input, **kwargs)[source]

Do the default or a custom pseudo reference pixel correction.

If full frame, perform RefPix as normal. If no ref rows or columns specified, then perform RefPix as normal.

Otherwise, temporarily set reference rows and columns in the DQ flags and force the reference correction. Can set number of reference rows and column via the nlower, nupper, nleft, nright attributes.



Input JWST datamodel to be processed.

**kwargskeyword arguments

Default JWST stage 1 refpix step keyword arguments.



Output JWST datamodel.

do_saturation(input, **kwargs)[source]

Do the default or a custom saturation correction.



Input JWST datamodel to be processed.

**kwargskeyword arguments

Default JWST stage 1 saturation step keyword arguments.



Output JWST datamodel.


Process an input JWST datamodel with the spaceKLIP JWST stage 1 pipeline.



Input JWST datamodel to be processed.



Output JWST datamodel.

run_step(step_obj, input, save_results=None, **kwargs)[source]

Run a JWST pipeline step.



JWST pipeline step to be run.


Input JWST datamodel to be processed.

save_resultsbool, optional

Save the JWST pipeline step product? None will default to the JWST pipeline step default. The default is None.

**kwargskeyword arguments

Default JWST pipeline step keyword arguments.



Output JWST datamodel.


Determine output file name suffix

spec = "\n        save_intermediates = boolean(default=False) # Save all intermediate step results\n        rate_int_outliers  = boolean(default=False) # Flag outlier pixels in rateints\n        return_rateints    = boolean(default=False) # Return rateints or rate product?\n        stage_1overf       = string(default='ints') # Where in process to perform 1/f noise removal; groups or ints\n    "
spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline.run_obs(database, steps={}, subdir='stage1', overwrite=True, quiet=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run the JWST stage 1 detector pipeline on the input observations database. This customized implementation can:

  • Do a custom saturation correction where only the bottom/top/left/right and not the diagonal pixels next to a saturated pixel are flagged.

  • Do a pseudo reference pixel correction. Therefore, flag the requested edge rows and columns as reference pixels, run the JWST stage 1 refpix step, and unflag the pseudo reference pixels again. Only applicable for subarray data.

  • Remove 1/f noise spatial striping in NIRCam data.



SpaceKLIP database on which the JWST stage 1 pipeline shall be run.

stepsdict, optional

See here for how to use the steps parameter: Custom step parameters are:

  • saturation/grow_diagonalbool, optional

    Flag also diagonal pixels (or only bottom/top/left/right)? The default is True.

  • saturation/flag_rcsatbool, optional

    Flag RC pixels as always saturated? The default is False.

  • refpix/nlowerint, optional

    Number of rows at frame bottom that shall be used as additional reference pixels. The default is 4.

  • refpix/nupperint, optional

    Number of rows at frame top that shall be used as additional reference pixels. The default is 4.

  • refpix/nrow_offint, optional

    Number of rows to offset the reference pixel region from the bottom/top of the frame. The default is 0.

  • ramp_fit/save_calibrated_rampbool, optional

    Save the calibrated ramp? The default is False.

Additional useful step parameters:

  • saturation/n_pix_grow_satint, optional

    Number of pixels to grow for saturation flagging. Default is 1.

  • ramp_fit/suppress_one_groupbool, optional

    If True, skips slope calc for pixels with only 1 available group. Default: False.

  • ramp_fit/maximum_coresstr, optional

    max number of parallel processes to create during ramp fitting. ‘none’, ‘quarter’, ‘half’, or ‘all’. Default: ‘quarter’.

Default is {}. Each of these parameters can be passed directly through kwargs.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘stage1’.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite existing files? Default is True.

quietbool, optional

Use progress bar to track progress instead of messages. Overrides verbose and sets it to False. Default is False.

verbosebool, optional

Print all info messages? Default is False.

Keyword Args

save_resultsbool, optional

Save the JWST pipeline step products? The default is True.


Save intermediate step that is the calibrated ramp? Default is False.

save_intermediatesbool, optional

Save intermediate steps, such as dq_init, saturation, refpix, jump, linearity, ramp, etc. Default is False.

return_rateintsbool, optional

Return the rateints model instead of rate? Default is False.

rate_int_outliersbool, optional

Flag outlier pixels in rateints? Default is False. Uses the cube_outlier_detection function and requires a minimum of 5 integrations.

flag_rcsatbool, optional

Flag known RC pixels as always saturated? Default is False.

stage_1overfstr, optional

Where in the pipeline process to perform 1/f noise removal? Either at the ‘groups’ or ‘ints’ level. Default is ‘ints’.

skip_ktcbool, optional

Remove kTC noise by fitting ramp data to get bias? Useful for looking at linearized ramp data. Default: False.

skip_fnoisebool, optional

Skip 1/f noise removal? Default: False.

skip_fnoise_vertbool, optional

Skip removal of vertical striping? Default: False. Not applied if 1/f noise correction is skipped.

skip_chargebool, optional

Skip charge migration flagging step? Default: False.

skip_jumpbool, optional

Skip jump detection step? Default: False.

skip_darkbool, optional

Skip dark current subtraction step? Default is True for subarrays and False for full frame data. Dark current cal files for subarrays are really low SNR.

skip_ipcbool, optional

Skip IPC correction step? Default: False.

skip_persistencebool, optional

Skip persistence correction step? Default: True. Doesn’t currently do anything.



spaceKLIP.coron1pipeline.run_single_file(fitspath, output_dir, steps={}, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run the JWST stage 1 detector pipeline on a single file.

WARNING: Will overwrite exiting files.

This customized implementation can:

  • Do a custom saturation correction where only the bottom/top/left/right and not the diagonal pixels next to a saturated pixel are flagged.

  • Do a pseudo reference pixel correction. Therefore, flag the requested edge rows and columns as reference pixels, run the JWST stage 1 refpix step, and unflag the pseudo reference pixels again. Only applicable for subarray data.

  • Remove 1/f noise spatial striping in NIRCam data.



Path to the input FITS file (uncal.fits).


Path to the output directory to save the resulting data products.

stepsdict, optional

See here for how to use the steps parameter: Custom step parameters are:

  • saturation/grow_diagonalbool, optional

    Flag also diagonal pixels (or only bottom/top/left/right)? The default is True.

  • saturation/flag_rcsatbool, optional

    Flag RC pixels as always saturated? The default is False.

  • refpix/nlowerint, optional

    Number of rows at frame bottom that shall be used as additional reference pixels. The default is 4.

  • refpix/nupperint, optional

    Number of rows at frame top that shall be used as additional reference pixels. The default is 4.

  • refpix/nrow_offint, optional

    Number of rows to offset the reference pixel region from the bottom/top of the frame. The default is 0.

  • ramp_fit/save_calibrated_rampbool, optional

    Save the calibrated ramp? The default is False.

Additional useful step parameters:

  • saturation/n_pix_grow_satint, optional

    Number of pixels to grow for saturation flagging. Default is 1.

  • ramp_fit/suppress_one_groupbool, optional

    If True, skips slope calc for pixels with only 1 available group. Default: False.

  • ramp_fit/maximum_coresstr, optional

    max number of parallel processes to create during ramp fitting. ‘none’, ‘quarter’, ‘half’, or ‘all’. Default: ‘quarter’.

The default is {}.

Keyword Args

save_resultsbool, optional

Save the JWST pipeline step products? The default is True.


Save intermediate step that is the calibrated ramp? Default is False.

save_intermediatesbool, optional

Save intermediate steps, such as dq_init, saturation, refpix, jump, linearity, ramp, etc. Default is False.

return_rateintsbool, optional

Return the rateints model instead of rate? Default is False.

rate_int_outliersbool, optional

Flag outlier pixels in rateints? Default is False. Uses the cube_outlier_detection function and requires a minimum of 5 integrations.

flag_rcsatbool, optional

Flag known RC pixels as always saturated? Default is False.

stage_1overfstr, optional

Where in the pipeline process to perform 1/f noise removal? Either at the ‘groups’ or ‘ints’ level. Default is ‘ints’.

skip_ktcbool, optional

Remove kTC noise by fitting ramp data to get bias? Useful for looking at linearized ramp data. Default: False.

skip_fnoisebool, optional

Skip 1/f noise removal? Default: False.

skip_fnoise_vertbool, optional

Skip removal of vertical striping? Default: False. Not applied if 1/f noise correction is skipped.

skip_chargebool, optional

Skip charge migration flagging step? Default: False.

skip_jumpbool, optional

Skip jump detection step? Default: False.

skip_darkbool, optional

Skip dark current subtraction step? Default is True for subarrays and False for full frame data. Dark current cal files for subarrays are really low SNR.

skip_ipcbool, optional

Skip IPC correction step? Default: False.

skip_persistencebool, optional

Skip persistence correction step? Default: True. Doesn’t currently do anything.


Pipeline output, either rate or rateint data model.

spaceKLIP.coron2pipeline module

class spaceKLIP.coron2pipeline.Coron2Pipeline_spaceKLIP(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Image2Pipeline

The spaceKLIP JWST stage 2 pipeline class.

class_alias = 'calwebb_coron2'

Process an input JWST datamodel with the spaceKLIP JWST stage 2 pipeline.



Input JWST datamodel to be processed.


all_reslist of jwst.datamodel

List of output JWST datamodels.

spec = '\n        save_intermediates = boolean(default=False) # Save all intermediate step results\n    '
spaceKLIP.coron2pipeline.run_obs(database, steps={}, subdir='stage2', do_rates=False, overwrite=True, quiet=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run the JWST stage 2 image pipeline on the input observations database. This customized implementation will also run the ‘outlier_detection’ step if not skipped.



SpaceKLIP database on which the JWST stage 2 image pipeline shall be run.

stepsdict, optional

See here for how to use the steps parameter: Custom step parameters are: - n/a The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘stage2’.

do_ratesbool, optional

In addition to processing rateints files, also process rate files if they exist? The default is False.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite existing files? Default is False.

quietbool, optional

Use progress bar to track progress instead of messages. Overrides verbose and sets it to False. Default is False.

verbosebool, optional

Print all info messages? Default is False.

Keyword Args

save_resultsbool, optional

Save the JWST pipeline products? The default is True.

skip_bgbool, optional

Skip the background subtraction step? The default is False.

skip_photombool, optional

Skip the photometric correction step? The default is False.

skip_resamplebool, optional

Skip the resampling (drizzle) step? While the default is set to False, this step only applies to normal imaging modes and skips coronagraphic observation. For coronagraphic observations, resampling occurs in Stage 3.

skip_wcsbool, optional

Skip the WCS assignment step? The default is False.

skip_flatbool, optional

Skip the flat field correction step? The default is False.

skip_outlierbool, optional

Skip the outlier detection step? The default is False except for target acquisition subarray data, which will always be True.



spaceKLIP.coron2pipeline.run_single_file(fitspath, output_dir, steps={}, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Run the JWST stage 2 image pipeline on a single file.

This customized implementation will also run the ‘outlier_detection’ step if not skipped.



SpaceKLIP database on which the JWST stage 2 image pipeline shall be run.

stepsdict, optional

See here for how to use the steps parameter: Custom step parameters are: - n/a The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘stage2’.

do_ratesbool, optional

In addition to processing rateints files, also process rate files if they exist? The default is False.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite existing files? Default is False.

quietbool, optional

Use progress bar to track progress instead of messages. Overrides verbose and sets it to False. Default is False.

verbosebool, optional

Print all info messages? Default is False.

Keyword Args

save_resultsbool, optional

Save the JWST pipeline products? The default is True.

skip_bgbool, optional

Skip the background subtraction step? The default is False.

skip_photombool, optional

Skip the photometric correction step? The default is False.

skip_resamplebool, optional

Skip the resampling (drizzle) step? While the default is set to False, this step only applies to normal imaging modes and skips coronagraphic observation. For coronagraphic observations, resampling occurs in Stage 3.

skip_wcsbool, optional

Skip the WCS assignment step? The default is False.

skip_flatbool, optional

Skip the flat field correction step? The default is False.

skip_outlierbool, optional

Skip the outlier detection step? The default is False except for target acquisition subarray data, which will always be True.



spaceKLIP.coron3pipeline module

class spaceKLIP.coron3pipeline.Coron3Pipeline_spaceKLIP(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Coron3Pipeline

The spaceKLIP JWST stage 3 pipeline class.

spaceKLIP.coron3pipeline.make_asn_file(database, key, output_dir)[source]

Make the association file required by the JWST stage 3 coronagraphy pipeline for the provided concatenation.



SpaceKLIP database for which the association file shall be made.


Database key of the concatenation for which the association file shall be made.


Path of the directory where the association file shall be saved.



Path of the association file.

spaceKLIP.coron3pipeline.run_obs(database, steps={}, subdir='stage3')[source]

Run the JWST stage 3 coronagraphy pipeline on the input observations database.



SpaceKLIP database on which the JWST stage 3 coronagraphy pipeline shall be run.

stepsdict, optional

See here for how to use the steps parameter: Custom step parameters are: - n/a The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘stage3’.



spaceKLIP.database module

class spaceKLIP.database.Database(output_dir)[source]

Bases: object

The central spaceKLIP database class.


Print an abbreviated version of the observations database.


include_fitsfilesbool, optional

Include the FITS file and PSF mask paths in the output. The default is False.




Print an abbreviated version of the reductions database.


include_fitsfilesbool, optional

Include the FITS file and PSF mask paths in the output. The default is False.




Print an abbreviated version of the source database.


include_fitsfilesbool, optional

Include the FITS file paths in the output. The default is False.



read_jwst_s012_data(datapaths, psflibpaths=None, bgpaths=None, assoc_using_targname=True)[source]

Read JWST stage 0 (*uncal), 1 (*rate or *rateints), or 2 (*cal or *calints) data into the Database.obs dictionary. It contains a table of metadata for each concatenation, which are identified automatically based on instrument, filter, pupil mask, and image mask. The tables can be edited by the user at any stage of the data reduction process and spaceKLIP will continue with the updated metadata (e.g., modified host star position).


datapathslist of paths

List of paths of the input JWST data. SpaceKLIP will try to automatically identify science data, PSF references, target acquisition frames, and MIRI background observations. If spaceKLIP does not get things right, you may use the ‘psflibpaths’ and ‘bgpaths’ keywords below.

psflibpathslist of paths, optional

List of paths of the input PSF references. Make sure that they are NOT duplicated in the ‘datapaths’. The default is None.

bgpathslist of paths, optional

List of paths of the input MIRI background observations. Make sure that they ARE duplicated in the ‘datapaths’ or ‘psflibpaths’. The default is None.

assoc_using_targnamebool, optional

If True associate TA and BG observations to their corresponding SCI and REF observations based on the target name from the APT file. Otherwise, only consider the instrument parameters to distinguish between SCI and REF TA/BG. The default is True.




Read JWST stage 3 data (this can be *i2d data from the official JWST pipeline, or data products from the pyKLIP and classical PSF subtraction pipelines implemented in spaceKLIP) into the dictionary. It contains a table of metadata for each concatenation, which are identified automatically based on instrument, filter, pupil mask, and image mask. The tables can be edited by the user at any stage of the data reduction process and spaceKLIP will continue with the updated metadata (e.g., modified host star position).


datapathslist of paths

List of paths of the input JWST data.




Read JWST stage 4 data (spaceKLIP PSF fitting products) into the Database.src dictionary. It contains a list of tables of metadata for each concatenation, which are identified automatically based on instrument, filter, pupil mask, and image mask.


datapathslist of paths

List of paths of the input JWST data.




Succinctly summarize the contents of the observations database, i.e., how many files are present at each level of reduction, what kind (SCI, REF, TA), etc.



update_obs(key, index, fitsfile, maskfile=None, nints=None, effinttm=None, xoffset=None, yoffset=None, crpix1=None, crpix2=None, blurfwhm=None)[source]

Update the content of the observations database.



Database key of the observation to be updated.


Database index of the observation to be updated.


New FITS file path for the observation to be updated.

maskfilepath, optional

New PSF mask path for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

nintsint, optional

New number of integrations for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

effinttmfloat, optional

New effective integration time (s) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

xoffsetfloat, optional

New PSF x-offset (mas) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

yoffsetfloat, optional

New PSF y-offset (mas) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

crpix1float, optional

New PSF x-position (pix, 1-indexed) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

crpix2float, optional

New PSF y-position (pix, 1-indexed) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.

blurfwhmfloat, optional

New FWHM for the Gaussian filter blurring (pix) for the observation to be updated. The default is None.



update_src(key, index, tab)[source]

Update the content of the source database.



Database key of the source to be updated.


Database index of the source to be updated.


Astropy table of the companions to be saved to the source database.



spaceKLIP.database.create_database(output_dir, pid, obsids=None, input_dir=None, psflibpaths=None, bgpaths=None, assoc_using_targname=True, verbose=True, readlevel='012', **kwargs)[source]

Create a spaceKLIP database from JWST data

Automatically searches for uncal.fits in the input directory and creates a database of the JWST data. Only works for stage0, stage1, or stage2 data by default; set readlevel=3 to read in stage 3 outputs.



Directory to save the database.


Program ID.

obsidslist of ints, optional

List of observation numbers. If not set, will search for all observations in the input directory.


Directory containing the JWST data. If not set, will search for MAST directory.

psflibpathslist of paths, optional

List of paths of the input PSF references. Make sure that they are NOT duplicated in the ‘datapaths’. The default is None.

bgpathslist of paths, optional

List of paths of the input MIRI background observations. Make sure that they ARE duplicated in the ‘datapaths’ or ‘psflibpaths’. The default is None.

assoc_using_targnamebool, optional

Associate observations using the TARGNAME keyword. The default is True.

readlevelstr or int

Level of data products to read in, either ‘012’ (or an integer 0,1,2) to read in individual exposures, or ‘3’ to read in level-3 PSF-subtracted products, or ‘4’ to read in extracted PSF fitting products.

verbosebool, optional

Print information to the screen. The default is True.

Keyword Arguments


Name of detector (e.g., ‘along’ or ‘a3’)


Return files observed in given filter.


‘uncal.fits’, ‘rateints.fits’, ‘calints.fits’, etc.


Exposure type such as NRC_TACQ, NRC_TACONFIRM


The _<gg><s><aa>_ portion of the file name. hdr0[‘VISITGRP’] + hdr0[‘SEQ_ID’] + hdr0[‘ACT_ID’]


Name of aperture (e.g., NRCA5_FULL)


Name of aperture from PPS (e.g., NRCA5_FULL)

readlevelstr or int

Set this to 3 invoke the code for re-reading in level 3 output products. By default, only levels 0,1,2 data will be read and indexed.

spaceKLIP.imagetools module

class spaceKLIP.imagetools.ImageTools(database)[source]

Bases: object

The spaceKLIP image manipulation tools class.

align_frames(method='fourier', align_algo='leastsq', kwargs={}, subdir='aligned')[source]

Align all SCI and REF frames to the first SCI frame.


method‘fourier’ or ‘spline’ (not recommended), optional

Method for shifting the frames. The default is ‘fourier’.

align_algo‘leastsq’ or ‘header’

Algorithm to determine the alignment offsets. Default is ‘leastsq’, ‘header’ assumes perfect header offsets.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the scipy.ndimage.shift routine. The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘aligned’.



blur_frames(fact='auto', types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='blurred')[source]

Blur frames with a Gaussian filter.


fact‘auto’ or float or dict of list of float or None, optional

FWHM (pix) of the Gaussian filter. If ‘auto’, will compute the FWHM automatically based on the Nyquist sampling criterion for discrete data, which is FWHM = lambda / 2.3D, where D = 5.2 m for NIRCam coronagraphy and D = 6.5 m otherwise. If dict of list of float, then the dictionary keys must match the keys of the observations database, and the number of entries in the lists must match the number of observations in the corresponding concatenation. Then, a different FWHM can be used for each observation. If None, the corresponding observation will be skipped. The default is ‘auto’.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types for which the frames shall be blurred. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘blurred’.



coadd_frames(nframes=None, types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='coadded')[source]

Coadd frames.


nframesint, optional

Number of frames to be coadded. Modulo frames will be removed. If None, will coadd all frames in an observation. The default is None.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types from which the frames shall be coadded. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘coadded’.



crop_frames(npix=1, types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='cropped')[source]

Crop all frames.


npixint or list of four int, optional

Number of pixels to be cropped from the frames. If int, the same number of pixels will be cropped on each side. If list of four int, a different number of pixels can be cropped from the [left, right, bottom, top] of the frames. The default is 1.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types from which the frames shall be cropped. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘cropped’.



find_bad_pixels_bpclean(data, erro, pxdq, NON_SCIENCE, bpclean_kwargs={})[source]

Use an iterative sigma clipping algorithm to identify additional bad pixels in the data.



Input images.


Input image uncertainties.


Input binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will be updated by the routine to include the newly identified bad pixels.


Input binary non-science pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will not be modified by the routine.

bpclean_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘bpclean’ method. Available keywords are:

  • sigclipfloat, optional

    Sigma clipping threshold. The default is 5.

  • shift_xlist of int, optional

    Pixels in x-direction to which each pixel shall be compared to. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

  • shift_ylist of int, optional

    Pixels in y-direction to which each pixel shall be compared to. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

The default is {}.



find_bad_pixels_custom(data, erro, pxdq, key, custom_kwargs={})[source]

Use a custom bad pixel map to flag additional bad pixels in the data.



Input images.


Input image uncertainties.


Input binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will be updated by the routine to include the newly flagged bad pixels.


Database key of the observation to be updated.

custom_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘custom’ method. The dictionary keys must match the keys of the observations database and the dictionary content must be binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good) with the same shape as the corresponding data. The default is {}.



find_nircam_centers(data0, key, j, spectral_type='G2V', date=None, output_dir=None, fov_pix=65, oversample=2, use_coeff=False)[source]

Find the star position behind the coronagraphic mask using a WebbPSF model.



Frame for which the star position shall be determined.


Database key of the observation containing the data0 frame.


Database index of the observation containing the data0 frame.

spectral_typestr, optional

Host star spectral type for the WebbPSF model used to determine the star position behind the coronagraphic mask. The default is ‘G2V’.

datestr, optional

Observation date in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MMM’. The default is None.

output_dirpath, optional

Path of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is None.

oversampleint, optional

Factor by which the WebbPSF model shall be oversampled. The default is 2.

use_coeffbool, optional

Use pre-computed coefficients to generate the WebbPSF model. The default is False.



Star x-position (pix, 0-indexed).


Star y-position (pix, 0-indexed).


X-shift between star and coronagraphic mask position (pix).


Y-shift between star and coronagraphic mask position (pix).

fix_bad_pixels(method='timemed+dqmed+medfilt', bpclean_kwargs={}, custom_kwargs={}, timemed_kwargs={}, dqmed_kwargs={}, medfilt_kwargs={}, types=['SCI', 'SCI_TA', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_TA', 'REF_BG'], subdir='bpcleaned', restrict_to=None)[source]

Identify and fix bad pixels.


methodstr, optional

Sequence of bad pixel identification and cleaning methods to be run on the data. Different methods must be joined by a ‘+’ sign without whitespace. Available methods are:

  • bpclean: use sigma clipping to identify additional bad pixels.

  • custom: use a custom bad pixel map.

  • timemed: replace pixels which are only bad in some frames with

    their median value from the good frames.

  • dqmed: replace bad pixels with the median value of their

    surrounding good pixels.

  • medfilt: replace bad pixels with an image plane median filter.

The default is ‘timemed+dqmed+medfilt’.

bpclean_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘bpclean’ method. Available keywords are:

  • sigclipfloat, optional

    Sigma clipping threshold. The default is 5.

  • shift_xlist of int, optional

    Pixels in x-direction to which each pixel shall be compared to. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

  • shift_ylist of int, optional

    Pixels in y-direction to which each pixel shall be compared to. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

The default is {}.

custom_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘custom’ method. The dictionary keys must match the keys of the observations database and the dictionary content must be binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good) with the same shape as the corresponding data. The default is {}.

timemed_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘timemed’ method. Available keywords are:

  • n/a

The default is {}.

dqmed_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘dqmed’ method. Available keywords are:

  • shift_xlist of int, optional

    Pixels in x-direction from which the median shall be computed. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

  • shift_ylist of int, optional

    Pixels in y-direction from which the median shall be computed. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

The default is {}.

medfilt_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘medfilt’ method. Available keywords are:

  • sizeint, optional

    Kernel size of the median filter to be used. The default is 4.

The default is {}.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types for which bad pixels shall be identified and fixed. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_TA’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_TA’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘bpcleaned’.



fix_bad_pixels_dqmed(data, erro, pxdq, dqmed_kwargs={})[source]

Replace bad pixels with the median value of their surrounding good pixels.



Input images.


Input image uncertainties.


Input binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will be updated by the routine to exclude the fixed bad pixels.

dqmed_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘dqmed’ method. Available keywords are:

  • shift_xlist of int, optional

    Pixels in x-direction from which the median shall be computed. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

  • shift_ylist of int, optional

    Pixels in y-direction from which the median shall be computed. The default is [-1, 0, 1].

The default is {}.



fix_bad_pixels_medfilt(data, erro, pxdq, medfilt_kwargs={})[source]

Replace bad pixels with an image plane median filter.



Input images.


Input image uncertainties.


Input binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will be updated by the routine to exclude the fixed bad pixels.

medfilt_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘medfilt’ method. Available keywords are:

  • sizeint, optional

    Kernel size of the median filter to be used. The default is 4.

The default is {}.



fix_bad_pixels_timemed(data, erro, pxdq, timemed_kwargs={})[source]

Replace pixels which are only bad in some frames with their median value from the good frames.



Input images.


Input image uncertainties.


Input binary bad pixel maps (1 = bad, 0 = good). Will be updated by the routine to exclude the fixed bad pixels.

timemed_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the ‘timemed’ method. Available keywords are: - n/a The default is {}.



hpf(size='auto', types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='filtered')[source]

Blur frames with a Gaussian filter.


fact‘auto’ or float or dict of list of float or None, optional

FWHM (pix) of the Gaussian filter. If ‘auto’, will compute the FWHM automatically based on the Nyquist sampling criterion for discrete data, which is FWHM = lambda / 2.3D, where D = 5.2 m for NIRCam coronagraphy and D = 6.5 m otherwise. If dict of list of float, then the dictionary keys must match the keys of the observations database, and the number of entries in the lists must match the number of observations in the corresponding concatenation. Then, a different FWHM can be used for each observation. If None, the corresponding observation will be skipped. The default is ‘auto’.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types for which the frames shall be blurred. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘blurred’.



pad_frames(npix=1, cval=nan, types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='padded')[source]

Pad all frames.


npixint or list of four int, optional

Number of pixels to be padded around the frames. If int, the same number of pixels will be padded on each side. If list of four int, a different number of pixels can be padded on the [left, right, bottom, top] of the frames. The default is 1.

cvalfloat, optional

Fill value for the padded pixels. The default is nan.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types from which the frames shall be padded. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘padded’.



recenter_frames(method='fourier', subpix_first_sci_only=False, spectral_type='G2V', kwargs={}, subdir='recentered')[source]

Recenter frames so that the host star position is data.shape // 2. For NIRCam coronagraphy, use a WebbPSF model to determine the star position behind the coronagraphic mask for the first SCI frame. Then, shift all other SCI and REF frames by the same amount. For MIRI coronagraphy, do nothing. For all other data types, simply recenter the host star PSF.


method‘fourier’ or ‘spline’ (not recommended), optional

Method for shifting the frames. The default is ‘fourier’.

subpix_first_sci_onlybool, optional

By default, all frames will be recentered to subpixel precision. If ‘subpix_first_sci_only’ is True, then only the first SCI frame will be recentered to subpixel precision and all other SCI and REF frames will only be recentered to integer pixel precision by rolling the image. Can be helpful when working with poorly sampled data to avoid another interpolation step if the ‘align_frames’ routine is run subsequently. Only applicable to non-coronagraphic data. The default is False.

spectral_typestr, optional

Host star spectral type for the WebbPSF model used to determine the star position behind the coronagraphic mask. The default is ‘G2V’.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the scipy.ndimage.shift routine. The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘recentered’.



remove_frames(index=[0], types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='removed')[source]

Remove individual frames from the data.


indexint or list of int or dict of list of list of int, optional

Indices (0-indexed) of the frames to be removed. If int, then only a single frame will be removed from each observation. If list of int, then multiple frames can be removed from each observation. If dict of list of list of int, then the dictionary keys must match the keys of the observations database, and the number of entries in the lists must match the number of observations in the corresponding concatenation. Then, a different list of int can be used for each individual observation to remove different frames. The default is [0].

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types from which the frames shall be removed. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘removed’.



replace_nans(cval=0.0, types=['SCI', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_BG'], subdir='nanreplaced')[source]

Replace all nans in the data with a constant value.


cvalfloat, optional

Fill value for the nan pixels. The default is 0.

typeslist of str, optional

List of data types for which nans shall be replaced. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘nanreplaced’.



subtract_background(nints_per_med=None, subdir='bgsub')[source]

Median subtract the corresponding background observations from the SCI and REF data in the spaceKLIP database.



Number of integrations per median. For example, if you have a target + background dataset with 20 integrations each and nints_per_med is set to 5, a median of every 5 background images will be subtracted from the corresponding 5 target images. The default is None (i.e. a median across all images).

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘bgsub’.



subtract_median(types=['SCI', 'SCI_TA', 'SCI_BG', 'REF', 'REF_TA', 'REF_BG'], method='border', sigma=3.0, borderwidth=32, subdir='medsub')[source]

Subtract the median from each frame. Clip everything brighter than 5- sigma from the background before computing the median.


typeslist of str, optional

List of data types for which the median shall be subtracted. The default is [‘SCI’, ‘SCI_TA’, ‘SCI_BG’, ‘REF’, ‘REF_TA’, ‘REF_BG’].

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘medsub’.


‘robust’ for a robust median after masking out bright stars, ‘sigma_clipped’ for another version of robust median using astropy sigma_clipped_stats on the whole image, ‘border’ for robust median on the outer border region only, to ignore the bright stellar PSF in the center, or ‘simple’ for a simple np.nanmedian


number of standard deviations to use for the clipping limit in sigma_clipped_stats, if the robust option is selected.


number of pixels to use when defining the outer border region, if the border option is selected. Default is to use the outermost 32 pixels around all sides of the image.


None, but writes out new files to subdir and updates database.


Determine offset between SIAF reference pixel position and true mask center from Jarron and update the current reference pixel position to reflect the true mask center. Account for filter-dependent distortion. Might not be required for simulated data.



spaceKLIP.mast module

spaceKLIP.mast.download_files(product_table, outputdir='.', verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve data products from MAST



Table of MAST products, as returned by astroquery.Mast


Directory where to save the output products


Toggle text information output

Other kwargs are passed to get_mast_filename

spaceKLIP.mast.get_mast_filename(filename, outputdir='.', overwrite=False, exists_ok=True, progress=False, verbose=True, mast_api_token=None)[source]

Download any specified filename from MAST, writing to outputdir

If a file exists already, default is to not download. Set overwrite=True to overwrite existing output file. or set exists_ok=False to raise ValueError.

Set progress=True to show a progress bar.

verbose toggles on/off minor informative text output

Other parameters are less likely to be useful: Default mast_api_token comes from MAST_API_TOKEN environment variable.

Adapted from example code originally by Rick White, STScI, via archive help desk.

spaceKLIP.mast.query_coron_datasets(inst, filt=None, mask=None, kind=None, program=None, obsnum=None, channel=None, ignore_cal=True, ignore_ta=True, verbose=False, level=None, ignore_exclusive_access=False, exp_type=None, return_filenames=False)[source]

Query MAST to make a summary table of existing JWST coronagraphic datasets.



‘NIRCam’ or ‘MIRI’. Required.


Filter name, like ‘F356W’. Required.


Coronagraph mask name, like ‘MASKA335R’ or ‘4QPM_1550’. Optional. If provided, must exactly match the keyword value as used in MAST, which isn’t always what you might expect. In particular, you need to explicitly include the “A” for the NIRCam A module in e.g., ‘MASKA335R’.


‘SCI’ for science targets, ‘REF’ for PSF references, or ‘BKG’ for backgrounds.


For NIRCam only, channel name, “SW” or “SHORT” versus “LW” or “LONG”. Leave blank for both.


Ignore/exclude any target acquisition exposures. This can be useful to only include science and reference images.


Ignore/exclude any category=’CAL’ calibration programs. This can be desirable to ignore the NIRCam coronagraphic flux calibration data sets, which otherwise look like science data to this query (programs 1537 and 1538 for example).

exp_typelist of strings, or None

By default, the value for the MAST query field on exposure type is determined automatically, based on whether or not ignore_ta is set. Set this optional parameter if you want to control the exp_type value used in the query directly.


Whether or not to ignore (filter out from query results) any data which is still under exclusive access restrictions to the original proposing team. For example, query for kind=’REF’, ignore_exclusive_access=True to find only the publicly-available PSF references that can be downloaded by anyone.


Return a shorter summary table of observations, versus returning a more comprehensive longer table of individual exposures and filenames?


Desired JWST data product level for filenames. ‘1b’ or ‘uncal’, ‘2a’ or ‘rate’, etc. For historical reasons it’s not possible to easily query MAST directly for products earlier than level 2b (cal/calints); MAST “hides” lower level files once higher level products are available. Thus this works by querying for the level 2b products, and performing filename transformation on them




Utility function for making dicts used in MAST queries.

spaceKLIP.plotting module

spaceKLIP.plotting.annotate_compass(ax, image, wcs, xf=0.9, yf=0.1, length_fraction=0.07, color='white', fontsize=12)[source]

Plot a compass annotation onto an image, to indicate North and East Makes use of the methods from jdaviz, but positions the compass differently: jdaviz defaults to putting it in the center, and filling most of the image. Here we want to make a small compass in the corner.



axis to draw into


2D image to be annotated (used just to get the image dimensions)


World Coordinate System information

xf, yffloats

X and Y fractions of the image, to specify the location where the compass should be displayed. Values should be between 0 and 1.


Length of the compass, as a fraction of the size of the entire image




Font size



spaceKLIP.plotting.annotate_scale_bar(ax, image, wcs, length=<Quantity 1. arcsec>, xf=0.1, yf=0.1, color='white', lw=3, fontsize=10)[source]

Plot a scale bar on an image.



axis to draw into


2D image to be annotated (used just to get the image dimensions)


World Coordinate System information


Length of the scale bar, in arcsec or equivalent unit

xf, yffloats

X and Y fractions of the image, to specify the location where the compass should be displayed. Values should be between 0 and 1.




Font size


line width



spaceKLIP.plotting.annotate_secondary_axes_arcsec(ax, image, wcs)[source]

Update an image display to add secondary axes labels in an arcsec.



axis to draw into


2D image to be annotated (used just to get the image dimensions)


World Coordinate System information



spaceKLIP.plotting.display_coron_dataset(database, restrict_to=None, save_filename=None, stage3=None)[source]

Display multiple files in a coronagraphic dataset.

# TODO potentially provide other ways of filtering the data, e.g. to show only the PSF stars or only references, etc.



database of files to plot

restrict_tostr, optional

Optional query string to only display some data. Only datasets whose database concatenation (file group) name includes this string will be shown. Most simply, set this to a filter name to only plot images with that filter.


If provided, the plots will be saved to a PDF file with this name.




Display and annotate a coronagraphic image.

Shows image on asinh scale along with some basic metadata, scale bar, and compass.

This display function is designed to flexibly adapt to several different kinds of input data, including rate, rateints, cal, calints files. And pyKLIP’s KLmode cubes.







Load the matplotlib style for spaceKLIP plots.

Load the style sheet in sk_style.mplstyle, which is a modified version of the style sheet from the webbpsf_ext package.

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_chains(chain, savefile)[source]

Plot MCMC chains from companion fitting

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_contrast_calibrated(thrput, med_thrput, fit_thrput, con_seps, cons, corr_cons, savefile='./calcontrast.pdf')[source]

Plot calibrated throughput alongside calibrated contrast curves.

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_contrast_images(meta, data, data_masked, pxsc=None, savefile='./maskimage.pdf')[source]

Plot subtracted images to be used for contrast estimation, one with companions marked, one with the masking adopted.

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_contrast_raw(meta, seps, cons, labels='default', savefile='./rawcontrast.pdf')[source]

Plot raw contrast curves for different KL modes.

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_fm_psf(meta, fm_frame, data_frame, guess_flux, pxsc=None, j=0, savefile='./fmpsf.pdf')[source]

Plot forward model psf

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_injected_locs(meta, data, transmission, seps, pas, pxsc=None, savefile='./injected.pdf')[source]

Plot subtracted image and 2D transmission alongside locations of injected planets.

spaceKLIP.plotting.plot_subimages(imgdirs, subdirs, filts, submodes, numKL, window_size=2.5, cmaps_list=['viridis'], imgVmin=[-40], imgVmax=[40], subVmin=[-10], subVmax=[10], labelpos=[0.04, 0.05], imtext_col='w', showKL=True, useticklabels=True, cbar_textoff=1, hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05)[source]

Create a “publication ready” plot of the coronagraphic images, alongside the PSF subtracted images. A grid of images will be made. Rows will correspond to filters, first column the unsubtracted PSF, following columns different submodes and numKLs


imgdirslist of strings

Parent directories of the unsubtracted images, filters won’t be repeated

subdirslist of strings

Parent directories of the subtracted images

filtslist of strings

List of filter strings to include in the plot

submodeslist of strings

‘ADI’, ‘RDI’, ‘RDI+ADI’ (or ‘ADI+RDI’)

numKLlist of ints

output images are 3-D with the third axis corresponding to different KL modes used in subtraction. Indicate the number of KL modes you want to display, if more than one, display each for each submode on the same row .


the number of arcseconds on a side


a list of strings naming the colormaps for each filter. If len(cmaps_list)==1 the same cmap will be used for each filter.


a list of the min values for the the cmaps for each filter. if len(imgVmin)==1 the same min value will be used for each filter.


a list of the max values for the the cmaps for each filter. if len(imgVmax)==1 the same max value will be used for each filter.


a list of the min values for the the subtracted image cmaps for each filter. if len(imgVmin)==1 the same min value will be used for each filter.


a list of the max values for the the subtracted image cmaps for each filter. if len(imgVmin)==1 the same min value will be used for each filter.

labelpos: list

Position of the [RA, Dec] axis labels (figure coords)

imtext_col: str

Color of any text / arrows that go on top of the images

spaceKLIP.plotting.tickFont(ax, xy, fontproperties)[source]

spaceKLIP.psf module

class spaceKLIP.psf.JWST_PSF(apername, filt, date=None, fov_pix=65, oversample=2, sp=None, use_coeff=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create coronagraphic PSFs for JWST NIRCam and MIRI

This object provides the ability to generate a synthetic NIRCam coronagraphic PSF using webbpsf and webbpsf_ext at an arbitrary location relative to the occulting mask, taking into account mask attenuation near the IWA.

There are multiple ways to estimate these PSFs:
  • extrapolation from the theoretical occulting mask transmission (fastest)

  • webbpsf_ext PSF coefficients (intermediate speed)

  • on-the-fly calculations with webbpsf (slowest, but most accurate).

Includes the ability to use date-specific OPD maps as generated by the JWST wavefront sensing group. Simply set use_coeff=False, and supply a date in ISO format.

NOTE: By default, resulting PSFs were normalized such that their total intensity is 1.0 at the telescope entrance pupil (e.g., normalize=’first’). So, the final intensity of these PSFs include throughput attenuation at intermediate optics such as the NIRCam Lyot stops and occulting masks. During PSF generation, set normalize=’exit_pupil’ for PSFs that have are normalized to 1.0 when summed out to infinity.

property bandpass
property filter
property fov_pix
gen_psf(loc, mode='xy', PA_V3=0, return_oversample=False, do_shift=True, addV3Yidl=True, normalize='first', **kwargs)[source]

Generate offset PSF rotated by PA to N-E orientation.

Generate a PSF for some (x,y) detector position in N-E sky orientation.


locfloat or ndarray

(x,y) or (r,th) location (in arcsec) offset from center of mask.


V3 PA of ref point N over E (e.g. ‘ROLL_REF’). Will add ‘V3IdlYAngle’.


Return the oversampled version of the PSF?


If True, will offset PSF by some amount from center. Otherwise, returns PSF in center of image.


Add V3IdlYAngle to PA_V3 when converting (r,th) to (x,y) in idl coords? This assumes that (r,th) are not already in idl coords, but are instead relative to North / East sky coordinates.

How to normalize the PSF. Options are:
  • ‘first’: Normalize to 1.0 at entrance pupil

  • ‘exit_pupil’: Normalize to 1.0 at exit pupil

Keyword Args


Use linear combination of on-axis and off-axis PSFs to generate PSF as a function of corongraphic mask throughput. Typically takes 10s of msec, compared to standard calculations using coefficients (~1 sec) or on-the-fly calcs w/ webbpsf (10s of sec). Only applicable for NIRCam.

sppysynphot spectrum

Manually specify spectrum to get a desired wavelength weighting. Only applicable if quick=False. If not set, defaults to self.sp.



gen_psf_idl(coord_vals, coord_frame='idl', quick=True, sp=None, return_oversample=False, do_shift=False, normalize='first')[source]

Generate offset PSF in detector frame.

Generate a PSF with some (x,y) position in some coordinate frame (default idl).


coord_valstuple or None

Coordinates (in arcsec or pixels) to calculate field-dependent PSF. If multiple values, then this should be an array ([xvals], [yvals]).

Type of input coordinates. Default is ‘idl’.
  • ‘tel’: arcsecs V2,V3

  • ‘sci’: pixels, in DMS axes orientation; aperture-dependent

  • ‘det’: pixels, in raw detector read out axes orientation

  • ‘idl’: arcsecs relative to aperture reference location.


Use linear combination of on-axis and off-axis PSFs to generate PSF as a function of corongraphic mask throughput. Typically takes 10s of msec, compared to standard calculations using coefficients (~1 sec) or on-the-fly calcs w/ webbpsf (10s of sec). Only applicable for NIRCam.

sppysynphot spectrum

Manually specify spectrum to get a desired wavelength weighting. Only applicable if quick=False. If not set, defaults to self.sp.


Return the oversampled version of the PSF?


If True, will return the PSF offset from center in ‘idl’ coords. Otherwise, returns PSF in center of image.

How to normalize the PSF. Options are:
  • ‘first’: Normalize to 1.0 at entrance pupil

  • ‘exit_pupil’: Normalize to 1.0 at exit pupil



property image_mask
property name
property oversample
property pupil_mask
rth_to_xy(r, th, PA_V3=0, frame_out='idl', addV3Yidl=True)[source]

Convert (r,th) location to (x,y) in idl coords.

Assume (r,th) in coordinate system with North up East to the left. Then convert to NIRCam detector orientation (idl coord frame). Units assumed to be in arcsec.


rfloat or ndarray

Radial offst from mask center.

thfloat or ndarray

Position angle (positive angles East of North) in degrees. Can also be an array; must match size of r.


V3 PA of ref point N over E (e.g. ‘ROLL_REF’).

Coordinate frame of output. Default is ‘idl’.
  • ‘tel’: arcsecs V2,V3

  • ‘sci’: pixels, in DMS axes orientation; aperture-dependent

  • ‘det’: pixels, in raw detector read out axes orientation

  • ‘idl’: arcsecs relative to aperture reference location.



property use_coeff
spaceKLIP.psf.gen_offsetpsf(obs, xyoff=None, date=None, source=None)[source]

Generate a WebbPSF model PSF. The total intensity will be normalized to 1.


obsastropy table

Concatenation of a spaceKLIP observations database for which the model PSF shall be computed.

xyofftuple, optional

Offset (arcsec) from coronagraphic mask center in detector coordinates to generate position-dependent PSF. The default is None.

datestr, optional

Observation date in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MMM’. Will query for the wavefront measurement closest in time before the given date. If None, then the default WebbPSF OPD is used (RevAA). The default is None.

sourcesynphot.spectrum.SourceSpectrum, optional

Defaults to a 5700 K blackbody. The default is None.



WebbPSF model PSF.

spaceKLIP.psf.get_offsetpsf(obs, recenter=True, derotate=True)[source]

Compute a derotated and integration time weighted average of a WebbPSF model PSF.


obsastropy table

Concatenation of a spaceKLIP observations database for which the derotated and integration time weighted average of the model PSF shall be computed.

recenterbool, optional

Recenter the model PSF? The offset PSF from WebbPSF is not properly centered because the wedge mirror that folds the light onto the coronagraphic subarrays introduces a chromatic shift. The default is True.

derotatebool, optional

Derotate and integration time weigh the model PSF? The default is True.



Derotated and integration time weighted average of the model PSF.


Compute a derotated and integration time weighted average of the transmission mask.


obsastropy table

Concatenation of a spaceKLIP observations database for which the derotated and integration time weighted average of the transmission mask shall be computed.



Derotated and integration time weighted average of the transmission mask.


Find the shift that centers a PSF on its nearest pixel by maximizing its peak count.



Input image to be recentered.



X- and y-shift that centers the PSF.

spaceKLIP.pyklippipeline module

spaceKLIP.pyklippipeline.get_pyklip_filepaths(database, key, return_maxbasis=False)[source]

Quick wrapper function to get the filepath information (in addition to the maxnumbasis) for pyKLIP from a spaceKLIP database.



SpaceKLIP database on which pyKLIP shall be run.


Key for the concatenation of interest in the spaceKLIP database

return_maxbasisbool, optional

Toggle for whether to additionally return the maximum number of basis vectors.



List of science image file names


List of reference image file names

maxnumbasisint, optional

The maximum number of basis vectors available.

spaceKLIP.pyklippipeline.run_obs(database, restrict_to=None, kwargs={}, subdir='klipsub')[source]

Run pyKLIP on the input observations database.



SpaceKLIP database on which pyKLIP shall be run.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the pyklip.parallelized.klip_dataset method. Available keywords are:

  • modelist of str, optional

    Subtraction modes that shall be looped over. Possible values are ‘ADI’, ‘RDI’, and ‘ADI+RDI’. The default is [‘ADI+RDI’].

  • annulilist of int, optional

    Numbers of subtraction annuli that shall be looped over. The default is [1].

  • subsectionslist of int, optional

    Numbers of subtraction subsections that shall be looped over. The default is [1].

  • numbasislist of int, optional

    Number of KL modes that shall be looped over. The default is [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100].

  • movementfloat, optional

    Minimum amount of movement (pix) of an astrophysical source to consider using that image as a reference PSF. The default is 1.

  • verbosebool, optional

    Verbose mode? The default is False.

  • save_rollsbool, optional

    Save each processed roll separately? The default is False.

The default is {}.

subdirstr, optional

Name of the directory where the data products shall be saved. The default is ‘klipsub’.



spaceKLIP.starphot module

spaceKLIP.starphot.get_stellar_magnitudes(starfile, spectral_type, instrume, return_si=False, output_dir=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get the source brightness and zero point fluxes in each filter of the JWST instrument in use.



Path of VizieR VOTable containing host star photometry or two column TXT file with wavelength (micron) and flux (Jy).

spectral_typestr, optional

Host star spectral type for the stellar model SED. The default is ‘G2V’.

instrume‘NIRCAM’, ‘NIRISS’, or ‘MIRI’

JWST instrument in use.

return_sibool, optional

Return the filter zero point in SI units in addition to Jy? The default is False.

output_dirpath, optional

Path of the directory where the SED plot shall be saved. The default is None.

Keyword Args


Effective temperature ranging from 3500K to 30000K.


Metallicity [Fe/H] value ranging from -2.5 to 0.5.


Surface gravity (log g) from 0 to 5.


Add extinction to the stellar spectrum


Catalog name, including ‘bosz’, ‘ck04models’, and ‘phoenix’. Default is ‘bosz’, which comes from BOSZ_spectrum().


Spectral resolution to use (200 or 2000 or 20000).


Interpolate spectrum using a weighted average of grid points surrounding the desired input parameters. Default: True


Search radius in arcseconds for Vizier query. Default: 1 arcsec.



Dictionary of the source brightness (vegamag) in each filter of the JWST instrument in use.


Dictionary of the zero point flux (Jy) of each filter of the JWST instrument in use.

fzero_sidict, optional

Dictionary of the zero point flux (erg/cm^2/s/A) of each filter of the JWST instrument in use.


Read a spectrum from a TXT file.



Path of two column TXT file with wavelength (micron) and flux (Jy).



Spectrum of the source.

spaceKLIP.utils module

spaceKLIP.utils.alignlsq(shift, image, ref_image, mask=None, method='fourier', kwargs={})[source]

Align an image to a reference image using a Fourier shift and subtract method.



X- and y-shift and scaling factor to be applied.


Input image to be aligned to a reference image.


Reference image.

mask2D-array, optional

Weights to be applied to the input and reference images. The default is None.

method‘fourier’ or ‘spline’ (not recommended), optional

Method for shifting the frames. The default is ‘fourier’.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the scipy.ndimage.shift routine. The default is {}.



Residual image collapsed into one dimension.

spaceKLIP.utils.chisqr_red(yvals, yfit=None, err=None, dof=None, err_func=<function std>)[source]

Calculate reduced chi square metric

If yfit is None, then yvals assumed to be residuals. In this case, err should be specified.



Sampled values.


Model fit corresponding to yvals.


Number of degrees of freedom (nvals - nparams - 1).

errndarray or float

Uncertainties associated with yvals. If not specified, then use yvals point-to-point differences to estimate a single value for the uncertainty.


Error function uses to estimate err.

spaceKLIP.utils.crop_image(image, xycen, npix, return_indices=False)[source]

Crop an image.



Input image to be cropped.

xycentuple of float

Center around which the image shall be cropped. Will be rounded.


Size of the cropped image. Will be rounded.

return_indicesbool, optional

If True, returns the x- and y-indices of the cropped image in the coordinate frame of the input image. The default is False.



The cropped image.

xsub_indarr1D-array, optional

The x-indices of the cropped image in the coordinate frame of the input image.

ysub_indarr1D-array, optional

The y-indices of the cropped image in the coordinate frame of the input image.

spaceKLIP.utils.cube_fit(tarr, data, sat_vals, sat_frac=0.95, bias=None, deg=1, bpmask_arr=None, fit_zero=False, verbose=False, use_legendre=False, lxmap=None, return_lxmap=False, return_chired=False)[source]

Fit unsaturated data and return coefficients

spaceKLIP.utils.cube_outlier_detection(data, sigma_cut=10, nint_min=10)[source]

Get outlier pixels in a cube model (e.g., rateints or calints)



Data array to use for outlier detection. Must be a cube with shape (nint, ny, nx).

Keyword Args


Sigma cut for outlier detection. Default is 5.


Minimum number of integrations required for outlier detection. Default is 5.


Mask of bad pixels with same shape as input cube.

spaceKLIP.utils.get_dqmask(dqarr, bitvalues)[source]

Get DQ mask from DQ array

Given some DQ array and a list of bit values, return a mask for the pixels that have any of the specified bit values.



DQ array. Either 2D or 3D.


List of bit values to use for DQ mask. These values must be powers of 2 (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, …), representing the specific DQ bit flags.

spaceKLIP.utils.get_filter_info(instrument, timeout=1, do_svo=True, return_more=False)[source]

Load filter information from the SVO Filter Profile Service or webbpsf

Load NIRCam, NIRISS, and MIRI filters from the SVO Filter Profile Service.

If timeout to server, then use local copy of filter list and load through webbpsf.



Name of instrument to load filter list for. Must be one of ‘NIRCam’, ‘NIRISS’, or ‘MIRI’.


Timeout in seconds for connection to SVO Filter Profile Service.


If True, try to load filter list from SVO Filter Profile Service. If False, use webbpsf without first check web server.


If True, also return do_svo variable, whether SVO was used or not.


Get mask name from aperture name

The aperture name is of the form: NRC[A/B][1-5]_[FULL]_[MASK]_[FILTER] where MASK is the name of the coronagraphic mask used.

For target acquisition apertures the mask name can be prependend with “TA” (eg., TAMASK335R).

Return ‘NONE’ if MASK not in input aperture name.



String aperture name as described above



String for image mask

spaceKLIP.utils.get_tp_comsubst(instrume, subarray, filt)[source]

Get the COM substrate transmission averaged over the respective filter profile.

TODO: Spot check the COM throughput using photometric calibration data, assuming there are stellar offsets on and off the COM substrate.


instrume‘NIRCAM’, ‘NIRISS’, or ‘MIRI’

JWST instrument in use.


JWST subarray in use.


JWST filter in use.



COM substrate transmission averaged over the respective filter profile

spaceKLIP.utils.imshift(image, shift, pad=False, cval=0.0, method='fourier', kwargs={})[source]

Shift an image.



Input image to be shifted.


X- and y-shift to be applied.

padbool, optional

Pad the image before shifting it? Otherwise, it will wrap around the edges. The default is True.

cvalfloat, optional

Fill value for the padded pixels. The default is 0.

method‘fourier’ or ‘spline’ (not recommended), optional

Method for shifting the frames. The default is ‘fourier’.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the scipy.ndimage.shift routine. The default is {}.



The shifted image.


Interpret DQ value using DQ definition



DQ value to interpret.



Interpretation of DQ value.


Read a PSF mask from a FITS file.



Path of input FITS file.



PSF mask. None if not available.

spaceKLIP.utils.read_obs(fitsfile, return_var=False)[source]

Read an observation from a FITS file.



Path of input FITS file.

return_varbool, optional

Return VAR_POISSON and VAR_RNOISE arrays? The default is False.



‘SCI’ extension data.


‘ERR’ extension data.


‘DQ’ extension data.

head_priFITS header

Primary FITS header.

head_sciFITS header

‘SCI’ extension FITS header.


Is the original data 2D?


Array of shape (nints, 2) containing the total shifts applied to the frames. None if not available.


Array of shape (nints, 2) containing the offsets between the star and coronagraphic mask position. None if not available.

var_poisson3D-array, optional

‘VAR_POISSON’ extension data.

var_rnoise3D-array, optional

‘VAR_RNOISE’ extension data.


Read a reduction from a FITS file.



Path of input FITS file.



‘SCI’ extension data.

head_priFITS header

Primary FITS header.

head_sciFITS header

‘SCI’ extension FITS header.


Is the original data 2D?

spaceKLIP.utils.recenterlsq(shift, image, method='fourier', kwargs={})[source]

Center a PSF on its nearest pixel by maximizing its peak count.



X- and y-shift to be applied.


Input image to be recentered.

method‘fourier’ or ‘spline’ (not recommended), optional

Method for shifting the frames. The default is ‘fourier’.

kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the scipy.ndimage.shift routine. The default is {}.



Inverse of the PSF’s peak count.

spaceKLIP.utils.set_surrounded_pixels(array, user_value=nan)[source]

Identifies pixels in a 2D array surrounded by NaN values on all eight sides and sets them to a user-defined value.



2D array containing numeric values and NaNs.

user_valuefloat or any valid value type, optional

Value to set for pixels surrounded by NaNs on all eight sides. Defaults to NaN.



The input array with pixels surrounded by NaNs on all eight sides set to the user-defined value.

spaceKLIP.utils.subtractlsq(shift, image, ref_image, mask=None)[source]

Scale and subtract a reference from a science image.



Scaling factor between the science and the reference PSF.


Input image to be reference PSF-subtracted.


Reference image.

mask2D-array, optional

Mask to be applied to the input and reference images. The default is None.



Residual image collapsed into one dimension.

spaceKLIP.utils.write_fitpsf_images(fitpsf, fitsfile, row)[source]

Write a best fit FM PSF to a FITS file.



PyKLIP PSF fitting object whose best fit FM PSF shall be saved.


Path of output FITS file.


Astropy table row of the companion to be saved to the FITS file.



spaceKLIP.utils.write_msk(maskfile, mask, fitsfile)[source]

Write a PSF mask to a FITS file.



Path of input FITS file.


PSF mask. None if not available.


Path of output FITS file (to save the PSF mask in the same directory).



Path of output FITS file.

spaceKLIP.utils.write_obs(fitsfile, output_dir, data, erro, pxdq, head_pri, head_sci, is2d, imshifts=None, maskoffs=None, var_poisson=None, var_rnoise=None)[source]

Write an observation to a FITS file.



Path of input FITS file.


Directory where the output FITS file shall be saved.


‘SCI’ extension data.


‘ERR’ extension data.


‘DQ’ extension data.

head_priFITS header

Primary FITS header.

head_sciFITS header

‘SCI’ extension FITS header.


Is the original data 2D?

imshifts2D-array, optional

Array of shape (nints, 2) containing the total shifts applied to the frames. The default is None.

maskoffs2D-array, optional

Array of shape (nints, 2) containing the offsets between the star and coronagraphic mask position. The default is None.

var_poisson3D-array, optional

‘VAR_POISSON’ extension data. The default is None.

var_rnoise3D-array, optional

‘VAR_RNOISE’ extension data. The default is None.



Path of output FITS file.

spaceKLIP.utils.write_starfile(starfile, new_starfile_path, new_header=None)[source]

Save stellar spectrum file to a different location, and insert a header to the start if needed.



Path to original stellar spectrum file.


Path to new stellar spectrum file.


Header to be inserted.



Module contents