Installation and Dependencies

The current release of spaceKLIP is not stable enough for a straightforward install with conda / pip. At this stage it is recommended that you clone the git repository directory for installation:

git clone

If you would like a specific branch:

git clone

From here, it is highly recommended that you create a unique anaconda environment to hold all of the spaceKLIP dependencies.

conda create -n sklip python=3
conda activate sklip

With the anaconda environment created, move to the cloned directory and install most of the dependencies:

cd where/you/installed/the/git/repo
pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, and very importantly, you will need to download reference files to support the functioning of the webbpsf and webbpsf_ext. Instructions to do this can be found at the respective package websites (WebbPSF, webbpsf_ext). Ensure that if you edit your .bashrc file that you reopen and close your terminal to fully apply the changes (source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.zshrc may also work)